The Mendoza Line

The Mendoza Line

Ricardo Perez is struggling through his third year in A-ball as a back-up catcher, barely hitting above The Mendoza Line (.200). His marriage to Christina is on the rocks. Her patience of spending the summers in a small hot valley town with no friends, caring for their two year old son, working two part-time jobs while supporting Ricardo’s progressively unrealistic dream is wearing thin. As undocumented immigrants, they are constantly looking over their shoulders.
RENTAL or PURCHASE PACKAGE INCLUDES Director Nathan Kaufman's acclaimed baseball documentariy MINOR LEAGUES/MAJOR DREAMS.

The Mendoza Line
  • The Mendoza Line

    Coffee is big business in Chiapas, Mexico, where baseball is even more popular than soccer. When a plant disease decimates the industry, five year old Ricardo Perez is taken across the Rio Grande in search of a better life with his family. Before Ricardo’s father abandons him, he instills a love ...

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    Forget your highlight tapes and sepia-tinted nostalgia riffs, the real soul of pro baseball lies three leagues below the majors — where teenage phenoms find out if they're for real and suspects are weeded from prospects. Observant documentarian Nathan Kaufman spent the 1991 season with the Oaks (...